Screws (Ejot)
Fasteners are used to mechanically join two or more objects together, either permanently or non-permanently. There are many different types of fasteners, each with their own purpose.
Fasteners can broadly be categorized as either Permanent or Non-Permanent.
Permanent Fasteners, such as rivets and nails, are single-use fasteners that are designed to permanently join two materials or parts. Removing the fastener destroys it.
Non-Permanent fasteners, on the other hand are designed to allow for easy removal and re-use. Fasteners such as bolts and screws are commonly used in a number of industries and products as they allow for parts to be disassembled and re-assembled if required. Non-Permanent fasteners can be threaded (for example bolts and screws) or non-threaded (for example pins and retaining rings).